Between demanding schedules, traveling, and trying to get out the door on time for Mass, it can be challenging to tithe on a regular basis as God calls us to do. Plus, for many families, the parish is one of the last places you still have to use a checkbook or cash. Or often our checks or cash never seem to be in our pockets ready for when the basket goes by.
St. Edward the Confessor is excited to offer online giving for one-time as well as recurring gifts! Simply make a secure donation via electronic check or debit/credit using the form on this page.
Use the form below to easily offer a gift now. For a one time gift, there is no need to make an account or anything. Just simply provide your payment information and easily donate to your parish.
Select the monthly recurring option in the donation form and submit a gift.
Then, setup a donor account using instuctions sent to your email. From your donor account, you can manage and adjust your giving information.
¡St. Eduardo el Confesor está feliz de ofrecer donaciones online para regalos de una vez y recurrentes! Simplemente haga una donación segura mediante cheque electrónico o débito / crédito utilizando el formulario en esta página.
Use el siguiente formulario para ofrecer un regalo fácilmente ahora. Para un regalo de una vez, no es necesario hacer una cuenta ni nada. Simplemente proporcione su información de pago y done fácilmente a su parroquia.
Seleccione la opción mensual recurrente en el formulario de donación y envíe un regalo.
Luego, configure una cuenta de donante utilizando las instrucciones enviadas a su correo electrónico. Desde su cuenta de donante, puede administrar y ajustar su información de donación.
Online donations and payments provide a simple and convenient way for parishioners to tithe, contribute gifts for a specific need, or pay for event tickets and programs. There is no longer a need to locate checkbooks, remember weekly envelopes, or mail in funds. Easily give directly on the parish website, or set up a recurring donor account to give automatically and never miss an envelope again.
One-time gifts are immediately processed and the transaction should on your bank/credit card statement within a few days.
If you chose to make a recurring gift, your first donation will process immediately. Then, you will receive an email to create an online donor account. Your account allows you to choose the frequency of your gifts as well as a date on which the funds will be automatically withdrawn from a checking account or charged to a credit card. You can also pause or cancel a recurring gift at any time.
Thank you & God Bless You. Your payment has been completed.
St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church
212 7th Ave East; Twin Falls, ID 83301
(208) 733-3907
Business Manager - Rhonda Eldredge
[email protected]
Pastor-Fr. Julio Vicente
[email protected]
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