"As the deer longs for running streams,
so my so longs for you my God."- Psalm 42
St. Edward Catholic Church would like to invite you to learn about God’s revelation of Himself in the Catholic Church and enter into the fullness of the Catholic Church. We invite non-Christians and Christians and even Catholics who have fallen away or otherwise failed to receive the sacraments to come to Catholic classes and possibly enter or recommit to the Catholic Faith.
La Iglesia Católica de Santa Edwardo quisiera invitarlos a aprender sobre la revelación de Dios de Sí mismo en la Iglesia Católica y entrar en la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica. Invitamos a los no cristianos y cristianos e incluso a los católicos que se han caído o de otra manera no han recibido los sacramentos para venir a las clases católicas y posiblemente entrar o volver a comprometerse a la fe católica.
Llama a la oficina para pedir clases de preparación para los sacramentos de inicicón, como el Bautismo, la Confirmación, y la Eucaristía en español.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process whereby adults enter the Catholic Church. RCIA classes are held weekly and over the course of several months those who attend the RCIA classes are educated on what the Catholic Church believes and are given the oppurtunity to ask question about those beliefs.
Just because you start RCIA, doesn't mean you are committed to finished. If you are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to come. All are welcome.
"You will nourish me., so that I may be strong enough to eat the food you give the angels. he who has promised us the food of heaven has nourished us here below with milk, in his motherly mercy. A nursing mother causes the food which her child is not yet capable of eating to pass through her own flesh, and pours it out again as milk; the baby gets the same food he would have received at table, but because it has passed through her flesh it is suitable for a young child. So too the Lord put on flesh and came to us, to make his wisdom palatable for us as milk. Here speaks the body of Christ: You will nourish me"
-St. Augustine of Hippo